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Rajiv Tyagi

Rajiv Tyagi

Shri Rajiv Tyagi is an experienced veteran in the media field. He started his career with one of the oldest and most respected media organizations M/s Ananda Bazar Patrika Ltd. (currently ABP Group), way back in 1986. During his professional journey he has worked with some of the most respected media houses and apex industry chamber in the country i.e. The India Today Group, Star News, Zee News, and Grolier International of America, one of the largest publishing companies in the world and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).

Shri Tyagi has seen an entire transformation of the Indian media world. Starting from the period when print media was ruling the roost and journalists used to use their pen in actual sense, to an era of tele -printers, to the times of computers and onto this modern time when journalists file their stories from their cell phones at the venue itself, from the period of only Doordarshan to the times of multiple electronic news channels, and working in these modern times when social media has become a habit of this generation.

He has seen all aspects of the media industry, from marketing to journalism to special projects and to media management and communications to become a well rounded media personality.

Shri Tyagi has traveled widely within India and abroad. His work contribution has been recognized by leading national and international organizations.

He has Law and Business degrees.

Currently, he is enjoying his consulting editor’s role with TV9 network and working on a soon to be launched unique OTT news magazine platform called News9 Plus.

He is a strong advocate for woman empowerment, education and financial independence. He also believes that children should be given a free and supportive environment to develop their sense of responsibility and the wisdom to choose and to carve out a career path on their own.