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Importance of sports in promoting peaceful and inclusive societies

Importance of sports in promoting peaceful and inclusive societies | Apr 6, 2024, 05.53 PM IST

Importance of sports in promoting peaceful and inclusive societies

By Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai – Founder, Sri Madhusudan Sai Global Humanitarian Mission, and Padma Bhushan Awardee Dr Sunil Gavaskar – Legendary Cricketer

Sports transcends mere recreation; it is a global language and embodies the potential to break barriers, foster unity, and drive transformative societal change. Moreover, life is regarded as God’s grand sport, or the divine leela, according to sanatana dharma. Therefore, every person born must appreciate and propel with the knowledge that every circumstance in life is merely a role provided by the Divine and should be handled with a sense of sportsmanship and equanimity. It appears that many have forgotten about this over time. Reviving this truth will guarantee a better, more peaceful world both, within and without. In the vibrant blend of India’s cultural heritage, sports emerge not only as a game but as a profound medium for nurturing peaceful and inclusive communities.

On the occasion of the International Day of Sports for Development and Peace, it is our responsibility to contemplate the impact that sports can wield in shaping a harmonious world. This day celebrates not only the spirit of competition but also echoes the timeless wisdom of ‘vasudhaiva kuṭumbakam’ – the world as one family – deeply rooted in our ancient Indian ethos.

In a land as diverse as India, where societal challenges intersect with cultural ethos and economic divides, sports act as a unifying force, knitting together individuals into a cohesive familial bond. By integrating sports into educational frameworks, we can instill invaluable life lessons such as teamwork, discipline, and resilience in children from all walks of life. This nurtures not only physical prowess but also holistic growth, nurturing the seeds of inclusivity within society.


Yet, we must confront the stark reality of inadequate sports infrastructure prevalent across our nation. While the potential of sports remains boundless, numerous schools, especially in rural hinterlands, languish due to the lack of proper facilities and resources. This disparity denies countless children the opportunity to experience the transformative essence of sports. To improve this, it is imperative for governmental bodies and organisations to unite and prioritise the development of sports infrastructure nationwide. Every child, regardless of their circumstances or locale, should have unfettered access to sports facilities, either free of cost or at subsidised rates. Through concerted efforts in grassroots initiatives and community-driven programmes, we can ensure that no child is left untouched by the magic of sports.

Moreover, by championing sports among marginalised communities, we not only nurture physical well-being but also sow the seeds of social cohesion and unity. By encouraging participation from diverse backgrounds, we dismantle barriers, challenge prejudices, and cultivate understanding and empathy among individuals.

The collective endeavours of athletes, institutions, and policymakers hold the key to unlocking the full potential of sports as a harbinger of positive change. By forming alliances with athletes from diverse disciplines, we can catalyse a culture that celebrates the virtues of sportsmanship, camaraderie, and physical fitness across society.

Furthermore, integrating practices like yoga and meditation into sporting endeavours enriches the experience and fosters holistic development. These ancient disciplines promote not only physical well-being but also nurtures inner peace, focus, and emotional equilibrium, shaping individuals into compassionate and resilient members of society.

Going forward, let us reaffirm our commitment to harnessing the transformative power of sports for the advancement of peaceful and inclusive societies. Through investment in sports infrastructure, advocacy for diversity and inclusivity, and cultivation of values such as empathy and compassion, we can together pave a luminous path towards a future where sports serve as a ray of positive social transformation, uniting humanity as one global family.

The Times of India

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