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How Raadhika Khetarpal-led Radiant Sports Management is batting for India’s para athletes

How Raadhika Khetarpal-led Radiant Sports Management is batting for India’s para athletes

Raadhika Khetarpal, Founder of Radiant Sports Management, is dedicated to bridging the gap between para athletes and the world, providing a platform for their talents to be recognised. In an interview with, Khetarpal talks at length about how Radiant Sports Management came into being, what motivates her and her team to work in the field of para athletics, and a lot more.

How Raadhika Khetarpal-led Radiant Sports Management is batting for India’s para athletes

Raadhika Khetarpal, Founder of Radiant Sports Management, is dedicated to bridging the gap between para athletes and the world, providing a platform for their talents to recognised. Her mission is to support and empower para athletes to reach their full potential in sports and life by providing equal opportunities to everyone. The Radiant team, comprising experienced professionals, believes in total inclusivity and works closely with each athlete to provide comprehensive support, including training and competition resources, as well as personal and professional development opportunities.

In an interview with CNBCTV-18, Khetarpal talks at length about how Radiant Sports Management came into existence, what motivates her and her organisation to work in the field of para athletics, the needs of the para athletes, and a lot more.

How did Radiant Sports Management come into existence?

Raadhika Khetarpal: Growing up, Radiant Sports Management was a household name for me, founded by my father in the 80s. He was a pioneer in the sports industry, known for integrating celebrities with sports, bringing international events to light, and helping athletes gain international recognition at a time when media exposure was scarce. However, following a major controversy in the 90s, despite emerging victorious, my father lost interest in the sports industry and shifted his focus to spirituality and film production.

My own journey took me through fashion media, marketing and the hospitality business. In 2021, a chance encounter with a sports journalist who revered my father reignited my passion for sports management. This led me to purchase a tennis team franchise, Team Radiant, in the Pro Tennis League in Delhi. Miraculously, Team Radiant’s success symbolised a potential revival for Radiant Sports Management.

Motivated by my father’s philanthropic efforts in support of para athletes since 2016, I decided to relaunch Radiant with a focus on niche sports with growth potential. Leveraging the network and experience gained from working with para athletes, I embarked on a journey to re-establish Radiant, highlighting its legacy and my father’s impact on the sports industry.

How did Pearl Academy shape your journey?

Raadhika Khetarpal:  Pearl Academy played a pivotal role in shaping my journey by instilling in me a relentless pursuit of perfection. Beyond the mere submissions and project reports, it was the iterative process, the multiple revisions, and the demand for excellence from the faculty that truly refined my approach. Learning to embrace the necessity of redoing until it matched the vision, or even exceeded it, became ingrained in my creative process. Pearl Academy provided the fertile ground for this mindset to flourish, teaching me not to settle until I had explored the creative depths of my potential. Through invaluable industry collaborations, Pearl Academy equipped me with the tools and resilience needed to thrive in the demanding landscape of the creative industry.

You have worked very closely with para athletes and people with disabilities. What specifically was your motivation to connect with them?

Raadhika Khetarpal: Growing up in Vrindavan and witnessing the empathy-driven culture there, I developed a strong sense of empathy myself. This aspect of my upbringing became evident in my interactions with para athletes while working alongside my father’s foundation. Regular, informal meetings with these athletes, away from the spotlight, deepened my understanding of their challenges and aspirations, igniting a desire to support their community more significantly.

This empathy, rooted in my early experiences, guided my decision to focus on the differently-abled community within the sports industry. Without a detailed plan initially, I felt a strong pull towards this cause. This intuition has proven successful, leading to the launch of six intellectual properties in just two years, including a television show, Mission Made Possible, dedicated to para athletes. This initiative has gained national media attention, marking a significant milestone in my journey to support and uplift the differently-abled sports community.

How is Radiant Sports Management helping para athletes?

Raadhika Khetarpal: In the last two years, Radiant has shifted its focus to amplifying the achievements and stories of para athletes and the differently-abled community, moving beyond traditional sports management functions. Our aim is to create an ecosystem that inspires and educates the general public about the courage, determination, and resilience of these athletes, fostering a sense of equality.

A significant milestone in our journey was the launch of the Radiant Differently Abled Sports Awards in December 2023. This saw collaboration with over 20 para federations and celebrated the achievements of more than 220 athletes from a variety of sports disciplines, including those less recognised like different forms of cricket, in addition to the more common ones like chess, badminton, and track and field.

Additionally, our television show Mission Made Possible is a docuseries highlighting the triumphs of para athletes, set to continue with its second season. This initiative, alongside our efforts to produce a film on para cricketers and our work, Voice of Differently Abled, aims to provide a platform for sharing stories, challenges, and successes within the differently-abled sports community.

Through these diverse projects, Radiant leverages its network and expertise to raise awareness and support for the differently-abled community. Our goal is to contribute to a stronger, more inclusive society where the achievements of all athletes are celebrated, leading to increased employment and economic growth for the differently-abled community.

What are the issues with para athletes in India?

Raadhika Khetarpal: When interacting with the differently-abled community, it’s crucial to approach them with empathy rather than sympathy. They carry themselves with pride and self-respect, seeking understanding and genuine connection over pity. Recognising and respecting this attitude can lead to more meaningful and supportive interactions.

Differently-abled individuals face several challenges, with inadequate infrastructure being a significant barrier. The lack of accessible facilities like lifts, ramps, and suitable training venues hampers their daily activities and athletic pursuits. While there is some governmental recognition of these issues, the implementation of supportive policies, including financial assistance and employment opportunities, often lacks speed and efficiency. Many athletes from this community come from modest backgrounds, making financial support crucial for their training and progression in sports.

As members of the wider community, our role is to offer support and encouragement. Engaging with their stories on social media, acknowledging their achievements, and advocating for more inclusive policies and practices can make a difference. Small gestures of recognition can lift their spirits and contribute to a more inclusive society that values and celebrates diversity and resilience.

How can India become a more inclusive society in terms of para athletes?

Raadhika Khetarpal: Embracing empathy and recognising differently-abled individuals as equals are foundational steps towards fostering an inclusive society. This perspective shift can significantly impact how we interact and support the differently-abled community, emphasising their strengths and contributions rather than focusing on limitations.

Listening to and amplifying their voices can lead to meaningful changes, not just for them but for society as a whole. By giving them space to share their insights and experiences, we can uncover solutions to many of life’s challenges. Advocacy and empathetic acknowledgment are vital in promoting inclusivity, suggesting that recognising their equal place in society is not just beneficial for them but enriches the entire community.

What is your message for the para athletes?

Raadhika Khetarpal: Your spirit, your courage is an inspiration for us. We grow looking at your spirit. We seek our courage and resilience through your examples.

If you wish to reach out to us, please do so. There are enough opportunities. Just find the courage to stand up, whatever your medical situation may be.., and the victory is yours.


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