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Events and Delegations

World over organising sporting events and conferences provides huge employment and business opportunities – Soccerex for the development of football sports in Manchester, UK; ICE for gaming, lottery and casino in London and Olympiad for bodybuilding and health supplements in Las Vegas, USA are some of the major conferences cum exhibition based events, where Host cities not only take pride, while hosting these events but also gives huge incentives to the organisers and the participants.

In India, hosting and organising an event becomes more of a headache than a privilege. Absence of proactive government policies and support, requirements of multi organisation NOCs, non-availability of world class exhibition equipment is also an issue to be worked on. CSRI believes that by addressing and raising these industry issues, India can be one of the largest sports event hosting countries in Asia, if not in the world.

Similarly, it is necessary that the Govt should consolidate inbound sports delegations for attracting investments. Initially, outbound exhibitors are also to be encouraged to market their products and services to consolidate huge international market opportunities. Culture of hosting and attending events are to be developed as it gives useful knowledge and opportunities in respective domain areas and industries. According to CSRI, these initiatives cannot be possible without policy interventions at the national and state levels.