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DG Message

Rajpal Singh

As compared to India’s medal tally of 01, 03, 06 and 02, USA won 101, 112, 104, 121 in 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016 Olympics respectively. In terms of TV viewership and consumption, on an average, Indians spend less than 10 min in 3hrs as compared to about 25 minutes in the USA. Market size of the Indian Sports Industry was about ₹80 billions as compared to ₹4800 billion of USA in the Year 2018. Similarly in terms of major Sports icons they are largely from one sport that is Cricket, whereas in the USA heroes come across multiple Sports.

Sports is not just a physical activity but it is a full fledged sector. Unfortunately, in India, it has been treated as an extracurricular activity. This is the only sector of the economy, which has a separate Ministry but works without any basic data. Administrations have been planning year after year and making all kinds of future projections, without ascertaining either the quality and quantity of existing infrastructure or number of personnel engaged in the sector such as number of coaches, physiotherapists, psychologists or fitness instructors etc. Similarly, there is no data on the demand and supply sides of sports goods, equipment and machines etc.

Inspite, of all the above issues, India is a sports loving country and sports have the power to glue the nation on TV. Cricket and hockey matches between favourite countries can increase the TRP of broadcast channels. For the last few years along with IPL, Pro Kabaddi and Indian Super League have started capturing consumer attraction, thereby increasing players salary and economic opportunities for players beyond cricket.

Parents have started realising the importance and long-term benefits of sports for their children. It is imperative that the government should declare and recognise this sector as an industry which some of the states like Manipur have already done. Sports and Recreation industry can provide huge employment opportunities. It can add value to the economy and can channelize the power of the growing youth population from negativity to positivity. It can exploit their energy and power for healthy activities and in the long run create a healthy nation. It will also reduce the long term health problems. Thus, there seems to be a direct relationship between Sports and education, health and tourism of the economy. All the sectors can have a multiplier effect, provided Sports is taken as one of the inclusive economic sectors.

Overall, we can say that there is a huge opportunity both for economic development and employment generation through sports, provided we create a sports ecosystem, for which India needs to increase participation in sports, create talent development mechanisms and develop an environment to attract investment. There is a need to join the unconnected initiatives, which are already happening in the country. Connected ministries like HRD, Health, Tourism and Sports, need to work in unison to address the some of the the common issues. Clarity of roles and accountability amongst organisations like IOA, NSFs, SAI and MYAS should be delineated.

CSRI, as an apex Sports and Recreation Industry organisation believes that it is high time that the government joins hands with the private sector to strive for international standards, bring transparency, efficiency and effectiveness.